Choosing a name for your boat always starts out fun, but it will gradually dawn on you that picking a good name can be quite a challenge. In this article, we will give you some tips and ideas to help you choose the perfect name for your boat.
Whether you wish your boat’s name to be meaningful or a light-hearted nautical pun, what you name your boat really depends on your preferences and it can say a lot about you as a person, so you’ll want to choose a good one!
Before we get started, depending on which waterways you plan on using your boat in and for which purposes you may need to register your boat name. In general you will only need to do so as proof of nationality and evidence of ownership if you plan on using your boat abroad. You can check all the details on the UK government website. If you need to register your boat on Part I, choosing a name might be a little more difficult as it must be unique. You can check if the name is available in the UK Ship’s Register database.
Even if you aren’t planning on registering your boat on Part I, it can be a good idea to check the most common boat names in your area if you don’t want to see doppelgängers wherever you go.
We’ve gathered some boat naming themes and tips to help you christen your boat:
- Names to Laugh About
- My Sweetheart
- Let Nature be Your Inspiration
- Adventure is Out There
- Names to Avoid
- Final Thoughts
Names to Laugh About
As we Brits learnt from the Boaty McBoatface saga in 2016, appropriate names don’t always prevail, sometimes it’s the lighthearted and nonsensical ones that capture our imagination. But before you go naming your boat “Unsinkable II”, it's probably best to mention that the Natural Environment Research Council decided that “Boaty McBoatface” was a bit inappropriate for its prize polar research ship. Instead, they chose for it to be named after the beloved Sir David Attenborough and saved “Boaty McBoatface” for a far lesser autosub.
That’s why before deciding on a name, think about whether or not a humorous boat name is for you. Are you willing to say it over the VHF channels or to the dockmaster when reserving a slip? In the end, it really depends on your personality. It’s also wise, if they’re not already involved, to run it past your family or partner to avoid causing them any undue embarrassment.
- Nothing to Sea
- Reel Estate (best for a fishing boat)
- Banksea (Banksy pun)
- Super Trouper (ABBA inspired)
- Dancing Queen (also ABBA inspired)
Before deciding on a name, think about whether or not a humorous boat name is for you.
My Sweetheart
Traditionally, sailors would name their vessels after their wives, daughters and mothers for good luck. Boats have a long history of being personified as females. If you wish to stick with this tradition you can consider naming your boat after a significant woman in your life or an amalgamation of their names.
Despite boats being traditionally female, if you wish to name it after a significant male in your life there’s nobody stopping you. As we saw in “Names to Laugh About”, even the Natural Environment Research Council chose Attenborough as their vessel’s namesake.
If you do go down the sweetheart route, and want to name your boat after your significant other, do consider how long you’ve been together before presenting a boat in their honour two weeks in!
Traditionally, sailors would name their vessels after their wives, daughters and mothers for good luck.
Let Nature Be Your Inspiration
If you lack significant women, or that’s just not your cup of tea, there’s always Mother Nature! Nature has always inspired people, from songs to baby names. So, why not for boats too? Brainstorm types of flowers, plants and other natural phenomena that could be great choices for your boat’s name.
- Aurora (after the aurora borealis)
- Rose
- Dawn
- Holly
- Kingfisher
Think of types of flowers, plants or animals that could be good choices for your boat’s name.
Adventure is Out There
From sailing races to exploring places only accessible by boat, sailing is all about adventure and memorable experiences with friends and family. There are plenty of boat names that have been inspired by this thrill-seeking spirit. See our suggestions to get your imagination going or simply take a look on our website, there are plenty of secondhand boats with interesting names being sold!
- Horizon
- Stargazer
- Fortune
- Serendipity
There are plenty of boat names that have been inspired by this thrill-seeking spirit.
Names to Avoid
It should go without saying that it’s best not to name your pride and joy something crude or offensive. Boats should be about creating happy and memorable experiences and it’s quite difficult to do that with a name that’s in poor taste.
Another thing to consider if you’re leaning towards a more light-hearted approach, boat naming was traditionally supposed to bring good luck for your travels, so names like “Unsinkable” or “Titanic”, are probably not recommended. Better not to tempt fate- but that’s just our opinion!
Boat names should be just that- a name, so try and keep it to one or two words. Names should be short, snappy and easy to understand, not just for aesthetics, but also in case you need to communicate with the coast guard in an emergency.
Lastly, if you are inspired to choose a name that is not in your native language, as with tattoos, it’s best to research the meaning thoroughly before giving it the go ahead. If you are lucky enough to know a native speaker of the language, have them double check.
If you choose a foreign name, it’s best to research the meaning thoroughly before giving it the go ahead. Pictured: “Cochon D’inde” meaning guinea pig in French.
Final Thoughts
And if you’re still lost for what to name your boat, give this fun boat name generator by Sail Louiseville a go!