The Lowrance ambassador scheme hosts some of the top anglers in Europe. With a wealth of experience, a variety of fishing styles, and various titles between them, it makes for an impressive lineup!
Latest recruit Andy Mytton, who specialises in freshwater and saltwater predator fishing, has fished some of the most notorious competitions in Europe. We caught up with Andy to find out what got him into fishing and how he hopes that with the help of Lowrance and his own practiced watercraft skills he will catch more than ever before…
Where it all began…
I have been fishing since the age of 10, I grew up outdoors and always found myself looking at water and wondering what was going on below the surface. Anglers on TV such as Rex Hunt and Mick Brown also inspired me in my younger years.
Fishing is a lifestyle…
Fishing is a lifestyle to me; I fish 5-7 days a week, at times even during my lunch break. I fish both alone and with friends, but the social side of fishing really appeals to me. I have met anglers from all walks of life, from top lawyers and politicians, celebrities to road workers, and whenever we meet up our backgrounds are set aside and the conversation on fishing can flow for hours - without any barriers. My fishing community reaches across the UK, Europe and as far as Kuwait. I have friends from the UK who can hook me up with anglers across each continent and visa-versa and 99.9% of these social interactions are really positive!
Competition time…
I have just interviewed for a place in the England Lure Squad and should I be successful will begin training in May for the world championships in October, and then another set of championships in South Africa in Feb 2019. I also have Zandermaster and various other species-specific events in the UK, across the year. I am currently exploring how the new castable technology and C-Map charts can be implemented as part of my preparation and research before the events, to give me that competitive edge.
Technology – moving with the times…
I’ve always used my own knowledge and watercraft, using depth changes and maps and my own locational skills to position me over likely looking spots to make a catch. This has fared me well and I have won multiple titles and had many good days fishing whilst doing so. I previously feared that electronics would take the fun out of the fishing; almost felt like it would be cheating… However, when I look at how much electronic technology has come into our lives with smartphones and tablets, and how much easier it is to navigate now with Sat Nav in our cars and GPS maps on our smartphones, it makes sense to introduce some of this into my fishing.
Being a Lowrance ambassador…
I wanted to find a fish finder that I could take to the water, rig up fast, that was optimised out of the box, so I didn’t need to waste hours of precious fishing time setting it up! I love the outdoors and the more time I can spend fishing and taking it in the better... I heard about the new Hook2 product line from Lowrance, also known as ‘The World’s Easiest Fishfinder’, and it seemed like the perfect fit. Offering GPS, High CHIRP broadband sonar, SideScan and DownScan Imaging™, this product had the exact technologies I was looking for and it seemed like the perfect opportunity to make the step into using a fish finder! The product is so easy to use I really do just turn it on and fish.
Now I’m part of the Lowrance team I am really looking forward to testing out more of their products, not only to further enhance my own watercraft but also to share my experiences with fellow anglers via on the water education through various media platforms. The development in castable fish finders excites me, as it offers technology to anglers that do not have regular access to a boat, or where boat fishing is not allowed. With a career in specialist electronics, I have a passion for embracing technology and I look forward to educating others about the benefits that Lowrance technologies can bring to their fishing.
Lowrance are excited to have Andy on board and look forward to following his journey.
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